THE 360 IS CLEARLY THE BEST-----EVER!!! Put THAT in your pipe and smoke it sony fanboys! WHat now?! There is always going to be some jacka$$ PS3 and 360 fanboys that try to point out any redeeming pluses in these pics such as: "I just wanted to point out the better draw distance on the ps3 in the second picture..." WHO CARES?!?! This is just a simple comparison; whether they're bias or not, the results are what they got, get over it! Stop your whining! Next-gen games all look amazing, (for the most part) so who cares what name is branded on the side of the "computer" you play them on? "OOoooooo my console has a blu ray drive..." Shut the "F" up... and have fun spending $30 on movies too, not to mention all the HD crappola you gotta buy to take full advantage of blu tech....Ill stick to dvds for now thank you very much. My point: The stupid opinions, (such as mine) that people write about the "bias" above, seemingly supporting their respective game consoles as if it was their personal family business are more insanely idiotic and juvenile than any of the minor differences this site points out could ever be. Think about it people! This **** is forming a generation of bias ret@ards!!! I'm Out
NHL 2k8 is better....much better graphics and control scheme. Im tired of EA hockey games, they havent changed at all over the past 15 years with the exception of the so called "skill-stick" good luck scoring in that game while having the computer score like 50% of their shots......
mjl259's comments