I DO......and furthermore Im not sure why - i just feels like there's more incentive to beat games on harder difficulties even tho theres no "prize" per se.
mjl259's forum posts
TO be honest with you, just keep practicing! I found it to be better practicing on one difficulty harder than what I was trying to get good at (i.e. try beating a song on expert for a while, then by the time you try to beat it on hard it will seem and be much easier) You need to get your timing and finger/hand endurance up in order to play alot of the songs on hard and expert (you're going to go through numerous hand cramps for a few days.) Once you get bette, hitting notes will become instinctual.
Halo 3
Test Drive: Unlimited
Tiger Woods '07
Assasin's Creed
Gears of War
Guitar Heroes 2&3
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