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Get rid of your headache ! :D

I tried these steps and they actually work perfect for me :)

  1. Feel the top ridge of your eye socket under the eyebrow. You will discover a small groove in your skull about the center of the top of the eye socket. In this groove is a nerve which is very sensitive to pressure. If you compress this nerve, it will be very painful. However, the pain will stimulate the pituitary to release endorphins immediately. The endorphins are the body's own natural painkillers and are more powerful than morphine.
  2. To stimulate the nerve, push hard against it for about 10 seconds.
  3. A similar method for releasing endorphins is to take 10 teaspoons of cayenne pepper in a glass of water. This is not harmful. When the cayenne hits the stomach lining, endorphins will be released by the brain to stop the pain.
  4. Try putting a cold compress on your forehead or behind the neck. Many headaches are caused by tense neck muscles. Conversely, use a moist hot pack to loosen up tense muscles - see which works best for you.
  5. Massage the ears and ear lobes as well as the neck. If you can, find two tennis balls or raquet balls and put them in a sock. Lay on a flat surface and place the two balls just below the base of your skull on the occiput and relax. You may feel sinus pressure or minimal discomfort at first but it will go away. Lay in this position with the still point on the occiput for as long as needed. This is especially helpful for sinus headaches.
  6. Similar in concept to the endorphin release - nerve stimulation through acupressure can offer some relief of symptoms. Search for "Do-in" or "acupressure" on the web.
  7. *Reflexology - With one hand, massage the area between the thumb and forefinger on the other hand and hold. Use only as much pressure as you can tolerate and be sure to breath deeply and relax-this spot will probably be painful. Hold it until the pain level reduces significantly and repeat with more pressure. Do this on both hands and repeat as needed.
  8. Lots of headaches are caused by dehydration - the brain has a high percentage of water, so lack of it causes it to shrink. Drink plenty of water, and in many cases your headache will go away.
- wikhow -

pretty awesome !!