BACKGROUND: I love movies. I really do. I collect them on DVD whenever I can. My entire collection, between my collection of movies and TV series on DVD, drives my wife crazy. I guess she doesn't understand but I just love watching movies. I love getting lost in a movie and being a part of a movie for a couple of hours. Star Wars started it for me and ever since then I have been a fan. I had just started my collection of movies on VHS when DVD format come out and I have been going crazy ever since then. If I had the extra money I would buy a movie on DVD every week (if there was a movie I was interested in out every week that is). I still have some movies that I haven't even opened yet. Some I have seen in the theaters but some I have not. The Hulk movie (yes, I am the ONE that liked it) I haven't even watched on DVD yet. The Prestige I just had to have but haven't watched it yet either and I didn't see that one in the theater. I love the Marvel movies and can't wait to see what they come up with next. I have actually liked every Marvel movie that I have seen. Yes, I also liked Daredevil and Elektra. In my opinion they did exactly what they were supposed to do and that was to entertain me. I can't wait to watch Ghost Rider on DVD and it will be my first time seeing it. If it is as bad as they say they you can look forward to an ugly review in the next couple of days. All of the Star Wars fills are my favorite. I like each and every one of them and watch them if I am home and them are on. If they aren't then I have been known to throw the DVD in a watch it that way. I just got through watching the Lord of the Rings Trilogy (extended versions) on DVD. Those are some long movies but man they are very easy to watch. I still get goosebumps during certain parts of the movies. 40 year Old Virgin and now Knocked up are two of my favorite comedies of all time. They made me laugh so hard I snorted or laughed well into the next scene. That's a lot of laughing. I love action movies too. I love the old school movies (Die Hard, Rambo, Lethal Weapon) but I am still a fan of the new school (I, Robot, Rush Hour, etc).
THOUGHTS ON SUMMER BLOCKBUSTER MOVIES: This summer has been real good to the movies. I want to see almost every movie that has come out and most of the movies that will be coming out in the next few months. (Now ask me if I will have time) I think the big movie for the summer is going to be Transformers because everything about that movie looks awesome. I think Michael Bay did an excellant job directing and I think the movie will do very well because of it. I can't wait. I want to see Pirates Of The Carribean but every seems to hate it so I may wait until it comes out on DVD. It was a pleasant surprise that Knocked up was so good. Simpsons movie....not so much. The line for the flaming form to the right. :D
NO TIME AT ALL: Unfortunately I work two jobs so finding time in all this mess to watch my movies and TV, play video games with the guys, hang out with my wife and do household chores is as hard as it probably sounds. My wife makes it all worth it in the end though so everything seems to work out. :oops: