I'm sure we can expect some nice Breaking Bad-esque moments. Anthony Cumia did the voice of a meth cook for the game so I would imagine there will at least be a humorous kind of referrence to Breaking Bad.
modernsocks' forum posts
Alright, so this is what I've got in mind so far. Any thoughts? Suggestions? I'd like to shave off as much of the price as I can, but I don't want to go too cheap and have a crap PC.
So, I was looking at AMD processors and the FX-8350 caught my eye with it's 8 cores and 4.0ghz, although, I can't help but wonder what difference those 4 cores have over the FX-4130 which is 3.8ghz with 4 cores. There's about a hundred dollar difference between the two, but they're still both cheaper than intel.
you should go with intel for processors and AMD for graphics cards if you want the best bang for buck. Stay away from AMD processors, theyre not bad but not on the same level as intel. Grab a core i5 4560k and a radeon 7970. The 7970 can be found for under $300 now on some deals, and it is on par with a geforce 770 when you overclock it slightly. Trust me, the 7970 is an overclocking monster, mine can overclock 300mhz past the stock clock. The 7970 also have 1gb more vram than a 770, and a bigger bus width.
That sounds great, but, I'm still a little on the fence about overclocking, from what I understand, it wears the hardware faster, which of course I don't want. My only experience with overclocking is using my laptop's overclocking mode, which doesn't seem like it really makes a difference and I'm guessing that overclocking is supposed to make a rather noticeable difference. How about bottlenecking, will the 7970 bottleneck with the i5?
So, I was looking at AMD processors and the FX-8350 caught my eye with it's 8 cores and 4.0ghz, although, I can't help but wonder what difference those 4 cores have over the FX-4130 which is 3.8ghz with 4 cores. There's about a hundred dollar difference between the two, but they're still both cheaper than intel.
Gold, Jerry... Cute. Anyhoo, I wouldn't steer you away from Nvidia for video cards; their lineup, prices and features are too compelling right now. I've run both brands and have no fanboydom for either. I'm just callin' it -- not as I sees it -- but how it really is. Go 700 series. Be happy.[QUOTE="modernsocks"]
Good question. I've always went with nvidia just 'cause it's always been recommended, and since I've been hearing good things about the 700 series I figure it's gold, Jerry, gold.
I was asking from a CPU perspective. Yeah, yeah, Intel is great, but for pure gaming, AMD seems to have it covered at a much lower price point.
Oh, of course, I wasn't thinking so much of CPU. My biggest concern with CPU is bottlenecking. Of course, I want to get the most bang for my buck. I've decided I'd prefer to keep the price closer to $1000 so I might stick with the original build from that video, with the exception of the touch screen and windows 8, and I probably don't need a 3TB HDD. I don't remember if he explains it in the video, but I am wondering if the SSD is really necessary or if I'm good enough to go with just a HDD. I don't so much like the idea of going with the 600 series instead of the 700, but, if overclocking makes it just as good then maybe it's worth the lower price. As you know, my biggest hopes with this PC is to be able to run The Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk 2077 without flaw. Back to bottlenecking, is it a safe bet that the 760 or greater would bottleneck with a core i5? For that matter, what is the AMD equivalent of the i5 or i7?
Good question. I've always went with nvidia just 'cause it's always been recommended, and since I've been hearing good things about the 700 series I figure it's gold, Jerry, gold.
Wow, that site is really handy, thank you. I noticed it has a compatibility filter, so, I'm assuming that means it'll only show me parts that are compatible with what I choose and I can trust that it knows what's what.
So, I'm looking to build a new PC, something I've never done before. Since I don't really know what I'm doing, I figure I'd go with this except that I would switch out the Intel Core i5 3570K CPU for the Intel Core i7 4770K and switch the GeForce GTX 660 for the GTX 780, however, what I don't know is will the motherboard work with these, or will I need to opt for a greater power supply, or is it easy enough to trade those and continue the build more or less as described in the video?
It is funny that they include these things. I played through San Andreas twice and never knew you could bet on horse races until Lazlow mentioned that was the only thing Big Wayne ever did in the game. Of these little things that I have discovered, however, I think they do good. Even if they don't include Las Venturas, I have no doubt that they'll throw in something similar that will have more to offer.
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