moggiye16 / Member

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WTFing H3!! ?!?!

Right now, I hate my brother. I hope he dies. Why do I say this? The dumb little sh!t jaywalked right in front of an oncoming school bus. Idiot is lucky the driver wasn't going any faster. I told QB and she was furious.

I hate my brother and his friends because I missed parts of CSI NY tonight and now I can't really review it because I'm so annoyed!!!!! Grrrr.

I bleached my hair this weekend and the pink STILL didn't come out. And the bleached seriously damaged my hair. So the new bottle of conditioner we bought is almost gone after two uses.

No pictures of my hair blue. :( Mum said not to do it blue because it wouldn't be good to do my hair twice in a month (it'll be black for Halloween).

And now, to add to my cranky and pubscent mood, the stupid staff is destroying our CSI NY Forum! :evil:

I think the only thing to balance this moodiness is Mark my nephew's 3rd birthday this weekend and I'm almost done my art project. Pictures will be forthcoming.

So, my snails are interesting to watch. If they aren't hiding behind the tree stump. Stella especially likes to hide behind there. When i recharge my phone, I'll get pictures.

Hey BM would it brighten your mood to know that my teacher is happy you're helping me with my Spanish? Oh we --my c lass-- wanted to know, how do you say, headbanger?