I have returned like kane! I have returned. This is my first blog in a long time so bear with me. Blogging, its kinda like the new way of writing those journals that people want the world to see.
Gamespot is my favorite site as of late simply because they have been so up to date with info on my favorite games. Command & Conquer 3 and Battlefield 2142 being the ones I'm into right now. CC3 is one of those games that I can very easily get into and I'm good at as of late. I really enjoy playing as the GDI. I've never been much of a Nod fan and the new Scrin army is a good force but being able to use overwhelming firepower on the enemy is just something I love to do and GDI accomplishes this goal of mine very well. My name online is mohawkny115 just like my gamespot ID.
Battlefield 2142 is also another favorite of mine. This game has got to be the best in the series because it does so much more what the others didnt, for example the Weaponry is amazing. I really enjoy using the Assault class with its futuristic rifles, cool reload animations, and sick add ons like the grenade launcher or underbarrel shotgun. I would recommend this game to anyone who hasnt joined the BF universe yet simply because its a balanced game and can be enjoyed by all. The northern strike booster they released also boosts this games replayability by 110% because of all the new features and game modes. I really enjoy Assault likes as it reminds me of my times I had with Unreal Tournament 2004's power node game mode they had. The new vehicles are nice as well plus the ability to earn unlocks through pin achievements on the new maps instead of ranks are much cooler in my opinion.
I hope those who read this enjoy and agree with what I have to say even thought I do accept criticism. I plan on posting soon so check back often. Later!
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