Seriously I feel your pain man. After 9 premiums failing and a now freezing and glitching Elite all I know is Frustration from M$. Every one will say its user error blah blah blah, but the numbers keep rising for defective consoles. Funny how defective consoles are still being put out so long aftre launch yet its user error still LMAO. Sooner or later a lawsuit or the government it self will stop M$ its just a matter of when.
The people saying that Lawsuits would fail are idiots. This would be the perfect time to start a lawsuit. Its a known fact the 360 fails A LOT! Xbots cant handle that known FACT, honestly post this in sytem wars, and see what the responses are. Dont expect any respect from anyone inthe 360 forums, they bleed green, and Gates is there slave master. Honestly go with a PS3 or a Wii or both, the 360 is not worth the headache, dont get hooked on the 360's games like a lot of have and keep putting up with defects and finding it exceptable. Its not exceptable PERIOD.
I hear ya those people in the xbox forums are whores to M$, you vent your frustration and they freak, let them have their problems they will continue to formany more years to come and through whatever console M$ puts out next. I am done! this is not user error, I bought my console on boxing day last year and it just went this week. I hit GOW hard in Jan-Feb., moved to my girlfriends only played it on weekends whileI was there until I got GH2 in Sept. I have never played it more than 6 hrs. a day, I even kept the cats out of my room so their hair would not get in it. After reading about people replacing their 3rd, 4th and 5th already this is it, it is my first consoleupgrade since PS2 I thought I was buying a good product. I wish I could sell it but nobody now is going to buy this piece of junk.
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