Well as the title suggests I have so far done 5 exams and tbh, I am pretty happy. I know I will not be getting straight As or even straight Bs but I have tried my best and that is all I can do.
I said last blog post that I would wait for GTA, but I could not. I have it and I am disapointed to say the least. It is stripped of most of the things tha made it enjoyable in the past. The most I would give it is 7/10, but I am yet to complete it so I cannot say.
Another disapointment happened when RockBand did not arrive today. Well that is not completly true, everything apart from the game did. Americans may not be aware that the game and guitar/drums/mic come sepeartly (and cost nearly double your price!!) soI am sitting here with everything to play it, but unable to...
This has given me time to go through GH2 again and I forgot how much i loved it! Much better tracklisting that GH3.
You may be wondering why I am gaming instead of revision, but I have a week off exams so I am having a few days off.
Nothing else has happened so I shall end my blog here. Hope everyone else doing exams is doing well and is happy with themselves. Remeber , its not what everyone else gets, its if your grades are what you are capable of!
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