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monkey_spak Blog

Addicted to war

I think i may have homicidal tendancies!l NAh only messing, but i'm addicted to games like Gears of War, Call of duty and Halo. I take grat pleasure in shooting the crap out of bad guys (oh yeah and dead space) and space zombies!

What really bugs me though is when people in the media, scientists and shrinks blame a generation of phsyco killers on games like the ones i play. Other games like Manhunt and the GTA franchise have also been blamed for crimes around the world, ain't being funny what a crock of s***!

I really wish all the so called academics would stop blaming computer games for the way people are today! Games don't kill people, people kill people.

Take that W***** Sudam Hussain or George Bush (they are as bad as each other in my opinion) how many people have they killed, maybe they have been playing to much command and conquer, and it's gone to thier heads!!

Anyway enough ranting, just needed to get that out of my system!:x