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monkeycowpoo Blog

Sometimes I eat pie?

Well I was just CHECKING up on the new improved GS.....meh. Anyways lemme give you my thoughts on life! Try not to kill anybody thats not bad and you will go far! solid advise ehh? BTW My gamer tag for the 360 is Andypwnedyou soooo send a freind request if you think your good enough. I AM AMAZING (at most shooters) I'm "unstopable" and a "must be hacking this is bull" at COD4. 2.12 kd no sniping, no camping, M16 pro ball. I average 20+ kills a game. One time i thought I was doing realy bad and I looked at my kills and I had 40-5 in a deathmatch. Pretty good at halo 3, i'll admit i'm not extremely good only a 47. Right now im playing madden cause....its madden. Dont play alot though cause of my job and the fact that i like sunshine....pretty PHYSICALY ACTIVE. Training for my career as a State Cop(im still in highschool (senior) but i wanna be in top physical shape for my job. So yea ive basicaly caught you guys up....see you possibly in 5months LOL

Storm The Gates of Hell

New Demon Hunter Album just came out I plan on buying it sometime this month, this way when I get ungrounded....I can have my adrenaline pumped to the max while playing Halo 3 or COD4(if I get it, the beta was fun but is the actualgame fun..). Its a christian metal/rock band btw.

This website has some of there songs you can stream-

Offical website-

Systems I Pwned

These are some of the systems I have owned or played for more than 72hours: Sega, Nitendo, N64, Atari,  PS2, Xbox, Nitendo Super or somthing, PS1, Game Cube, Nitendo DS, Game Boy Color , Game Boy , game boy advance, and teh most amazing system Xbox 360.