Games I Own

Game Release Date GameSpot Score Monkeyluv101's Score



FIFA 2004




Dragon Quest VIII: Sora to Umi to Daichi to Norowareshi Himegimi


Diablo II


Devil May Cry 3


Devil May Cry (Platinum)


Deus Ex: Invisible War


Dead or Alive 3 (Classics)








Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge


Condemned: Criminal Origins


Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines


Commandos 3: Destination Berlin


Commandos 2: Men of Courage


Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun


Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2


Command & Conquer: Red Alert (EA Classics)


Command & Conquer: Generals


Command & Conquer (EA Classics)

-- --

Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow


Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2


Call of Duty 2


Burnout Legends


Burnout 3: Takedown (Platinum Hits)


Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30


BioHazard 4


Battlefield 2


Animal Crossing: Wild World


Age of Empires III


Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War
