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#1 monkeymonfp
Member since 2004 • 202 Posts
i used to play alot of teamfortress classic so i hurts when i say tf2 blows, and i play it on pc not consoles. dont get me wrong its not bad but when i think how much better the comunity was and the gameplay i have to go with halo 3 because it trumps it on all.
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#2 monkeymonfp
Member since 2004 • 202 Posts
freedom fighters should have got a 9.5, was a good game, with a good story and nice multiplayer.
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#3 monkeymonfp
Member since 2004 • 202 Posts
lol none of the games you just mentioned that r on ps2 and 360 are actually ports from one another other than gameplay, style and layout
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#4 monkeymonfp
Member since 2004 • 202 Posts

lol who plays normal Nooobs!!!

no really normal is quite easy. plus h3 should(will) have real replay value.

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#5 monkeymonfp
Member since 2004 • 202 Posts

go to

it will blow ur mind

yeah museum wasnt all that, but the content on makes up for it

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#6 monkeymonfp
Member since 2004 • 202 Posts

lol thats almost half a mil

that deep but not gd enough

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#7 monkeymonfp
Member since 2004 • 202 Posts
wheres the list or is this just some attempt of ownage, cos it seems like cow thread
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#8 monkeymonfp
Member since 2004 • 202 Posts
oririginal is an old favorite of mine, so i really hope this is just a cosmetic update
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#9 monkeymonfp
Member since 2004 • 202 Posts

Welcome to my world. You see the droves of people calling it the second coming of Christ and you ask yourself... "how?"

Just lip up, sit back and know that you are better off not playing it.

this is the exact kinda fan boy most want xstinkt, better off not trying a game that sound like self denial

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#10 monkeymonfp
Member since 2004 • 202 Posts

there seem to always be a halo thread on the first page and its either praise or bashing well its just long and its usuallly nothing informative just some way for people to hide there insecruties about their system or their favorite games.(so i guess this is mine)

halo for me is one of the greatest fps of all time and the greatest fps on console and somehow i dont ever see it being challenged(even killzone 2 looks like its going 2 self own)

now people try and bash it and say its all hype and halo is just a hype machine, i remember when it was just a game no one really knew about, and those who did manage to discover this game where blessed with something that destroyed how a fps was meant to be playd. It was like it was created by the god of fps himself(doomguy), no game since golden eye really showed that a fps could really work on a console.

now some people play halo today(which i think has aged well) and say "whats all the fuss about," well go back and play doom, halflife, marathon, system shock, tribes, delta force, AV, UT, quake and all the other great titles that have influenced fps they all seem dated now but they where all on the pc, holy ground for the fps. halo was the first fps that truly proved fps was capable, fun, realistic and could own and did own on the xbox. now this to some seemd sacrelig, elitism started shining through and some said (and still do) console just dont compete and that fps's should only stick to pc's well maybe they where right but soon a large following joind under the halo banner

things why its a great and always will be one of the greats

made the link between vehicles and fps amazing it made them work,realistic and balenced and made it believable now in most fps this generation

its simple strategy of only 2 weapons made it a classic,(gets rid of the endless bag of weapons)this meant you had to think about your ammo your enemy and the map. now its a standerd of realistic fps's(dont get me wrong there where others but halo lead the way)

the graphic for halo where truly amazing when it came out and still is one of the best looking games of the last generation on consoles (big imo)

multiplayer was immense, lan partied became legendary, i thought it was like one of gaming nirvanas, games of capture the flag lasted almost 5 hours. playing in the same rooms as your friends, trash talking them in the face, a time when the phraze noob was used more sparingly for people actually new 2 a game.

weapons, vehicles and charecters becames iconic,(the warthog, the needer, the spnkr) but dont get me wrong the game uses many well already used name like the assualt rifle and the shotgun but these tied so well in with the game and the story that it was like no other game better representd them.

the story, now many say its just a rehash of movies and games before, but i say nay(lol) the original halo story telling was immense never didnt a game story come over so epicly, i would love to go into further detail but i know most who have experienced this wont need me to tell them how great halo is how no fps before or since has come close.

and to those about to start knew threads and say how overhyped halo is, and halo 3 is going to be i say this the bungie hype train awaits and you are seem to have a ticket

2 anyone who botherd to read my total ramble GG