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so lyk, stuff

I'm going to be gone this Friday... for 17 days. I don't want to say where, but it's really, really horrible. :( Please, someone save me from it.

Also, I got Manhunt 2 and God of War for my PSP for the trip. That damn trip...

Anyways, Manhunt 2 is alright, but it's kind of creepy. I hate how slow the guy walks though, and whenever I press X and run people always find me. God of War was really fun, but I'm not too far into it.

Also today, I was playing Team Fortress 2. I created a game on Hydro, and this game lasted two hours. The end result? I got a total of 310 points. :o I'm around 50-ish on the leaderboards (think it was 51, but not sure) but damn was it fun.
