@ScouseLemon I think this is intended mostly to persuade console gamers in the next generation. However, I have Steam on my PC but would probably buy a SteamBox instead of investing in a high end PC when the time comes to upgrade my machine (which will be pretty soon), if that's cheaper and works well.
"I'm always excited by movement forward". I have never seen this guy not excited. I mean, he was even excited about Duke Nukem: Forever...That said, I'm really looking forward to Borderlands 2. Bring it on, Mr. Pitchford! :)
In Mass Effect 3 The Reapers start a sci-fi apocalypse, in The Last of us the few remaining men struggle to survive a sort of zombie plague, in Diablo III hell rises, in Transformers: Fall of Cybertron a whole planet and the civilization within it are destroyed... are these stories driven by the present world crysis or are they just average video game plots, i wander...
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