Ni No Kuni was a great game enjoyed it from start till finish also from the final fantasy series try 7 and X both great games
monstar85's forum posts
just came across this thread, recently just got back into playing jprgs with a play through of ni nino kuni which i thought was brilliant. just completed xcom enemey unknown which i found to be a excellent game not a rpg i know. kinda wondering which rpg to get into next?? heard a lot of good talk of persona 4 golden but thats on the vita :(
about 20% just upgraded to a 500 gb recently
Terminator salvation or liar both equally as bad
CC generals was awesome.noob-saibot2010
i downloaded the super stardust hd demo and it installed the trophy pack
its a bit annoying havin 0% for a game i dont even have :lol::lol:
just started to play the online beta
Backed up everything fine now just trying to get those damn screws out of the hdd tray
What did sony tighten them with???
Just bought a new hdd for my ps3, just wondering which data im gonna lose if any when i back my data up on a external hdd
Which ps1/ps2 classics would u like to see on psn??
FF8 for me
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