Fellas, fellas! What about games like Star Trek Online and Champions Online. Most especially Mafia II. I have waited a long time for a sequel to the greatest singleplayer game ever made. That and Bioshock 2 are what I'm looking forward to.
TimmyDigital: Yeah, some console players make complete idiots out of themselves. They haven't reached the point of cross platform from PC to console because they know we'll spank their asses in any game. PC all the way, baby!
mercenary9 What an idiotic statement...So you're saying if I buy a PC then it will break or have a virus? I could just as easily say don't buy an Xbox because you're cd might get stuck in there or the controller might break. I could go on, but I don't think your intelligent enough to understand. Read down below what everyone else is saying and you might understand a little more.
Stec13: You could care less, because you're probably a simple minded person. Not always a bad thing, but this might not be your argument here. Most people care about how their game looks. I've been waiting for someone to post something like. It seems there's always someone out there who thinks all computers are good for is Microsoft Word. And on your second point, who says you have to sit uncomfortably at the computer. I'm sitting here with a 24'' screen in a soft reclinable chair with 7.1 surround sound.
I can see this is going to last for quite some time. Just keep in mind: "You get what you pay for" PC is going to cost more, but it will always top a console in graphics. Consoles are less expensive but have older technology. It's really that simple.
mbchfdh2: I haven't agreed with you much up until now, but your last post I believe is about as true as it gets. You get what you pay for. I have two sons and I'm not planning on buying them both gaming rigs (at least not for now). They are perfectly content with they're Xbox and even though, I don't particularly like it, but they like it. So why would I drop $1000-1500 twice over for both of them when they already have something they enjoy. It gets to the point to where it's too expensive for that. I, myself, have always loved PC's whether it be for gaming, making movies, or just browsing around the internet. They are well worth the extra $$, in my opinion.
mbchfdh2: None taken. Obviously, the PC is going to be more expensive, but you have to look at the overall picture. Sure, that one part is going to cost more than that whole system, but in the long run, that processor will last me a long time. At 2.66 Ghz, its not worth overclocking right now because it can play any game right now. But later on, when new games come out, I can just overclock to say...4Ghz and still be good off that same processor. Now, what about that Xbox? No upgrading so I guess we'll just have to buy a brand new console...again. That, plus all new accessories and games. On PC, no need to get rid of any mice, keyboards, or monitors because they do what they've done for years.
Cj19_32: Depends on what you call expensive, my uneducated friend. If I look at a brand new sports car that costs 20k, but normally costs 30k I'd say that's a pretty good deal. Sure 20k is still a lot but you have to look at what's at stake. Look at these two for instance: Older tech $550 - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819115130 New tech $300 - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819115202
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