@darthrevenx: I liked how calm Kilgore was with all the mayhem going on around him. Hope he is a playable character "Charlie don't surf!" ha
"Scorpio isn't just a half-assed upgrade but a full blown upgrade that's backwards-compatible to the Xbone One current library." Fixed
@sladakrobot: Yes! Did you know a remake called Power Disc Slam came out for the 3DS eShop? The lead developer worked on the original Star Fox (SNES)
@videogameninja: We used to have tournaments at Lovegety Station. I got beaten like a ragdoll against some of the best Street Fighter players in the world. Would love to go check out Evo someday
Yeah, Scalebound from Platinum Games turned out amazing lol. What about giving them time to "tune their games for best results". Nope - canceled!
What the hell is Drew Barrymore eating in that picture? Looks like a human liver (I watch to many horror movies)
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