Final Fantasy XIII and VIII are my personal favourites. well that's what i think anyway..
mooooo99's forum posts
out of that list it has to be lightning. lara is close.. but no mention of fem shep?
im pretty sure all pokemon bar the event legendaries keldeo, genesect, mew etc, are now available within games x and y and oras. if you have y and ruby you should be good to obtain the majority of pokemon now. obviously there are still version exclusives, so you will still need to trade for pokemon from as and x and the event pokemon you missed..
look at all the legendaries availble -
I will agree black was quite difficult, the exp share available in x,y and oras has made these games a lot easier should it be turned on..
resonance of fate - ps3
killer 7 gamecube
Both games i thought were outstanding yet no one in my circle of friends cared or knew of either game..
that is a tough question! I would have to go for ruby, sapphire and emerald. although i have really been enjoying bw2 and red blue and yellow are classics and platinum was the first one where i thought the whole interface was done pretty well and x and y are both pretty enjoyable but they are lacking post game contect.. but im really looking forward to ORAS in Novemeber.
I have spent far too much time playing this series.. 500+ hours on platinum.. 200+ hours on xy far, played through bw2 about three times each..
yeh, in fallout 3 when you set off the nuke. did it once for the trophy and then reloaded the game straight away.. no way could I carry on my game after doing that.. still it was a hell of an explosion!
oh dear lord I want that sapphire one. Its beautiful. I do kinda wish for the designs on the 3DS to be the other way. So people can see and hate when you pull out something like this.
that ruby edition. wow. they do both look pretty awesome though not sure i could justify purchasing another 3ds just yet..
im excited for oras, but not enough to spend a day queuing.. I have already pre ordered steel case omega ruby, tempted to grab a copy of sapphire.. which i really might do.. i was kind of excited, but now im really looking forward to running through this game again. if only this was released around the world..
i have been sucked back in to Pokemon Y.. currently working through a live pokedex, im at around 600/719.. just need to get involved in the shady world of legendary pokemon trading..
once that is completed i will look at getting a decent battle team and hopefully oras will be out by then
selling my ps1 and all my games including ffvii, viii and ix..
i have since re purchased them as digital downloads but its just not the same.. that and not playing pokemon y throughout this whole year and now trying to catch up before oras is release..
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