Well, I got the beta! Think I may write a mini review on it later for all you people who are still waiting to play it. It's pretty good, although the on foot gameplay seems kind of useless... and the flying can be tricky as hell. It's pretty confusing and the controls are taking some mastering, but maybe in a few days I'll have them down. The beta has crashed my ps3 4 times so far, freezing it completely, but when you are actually playing it's a pretty sweet and sexy game.
I normally hate tutorials in games, but this games seems to scream that it needs them sadly. It's a lot to take in a learn, but because its online you can't go slow or you'll just get blown away again and again.
Minus the learning curve, its a pretty promising beta.
moopers59 Blog
A new hunt for man?
by moopers59 on Comments
At the news of a new Manhunt game, I can tell there will be a lot of mixed reactions. Sure it's not everyone's cup of tea, but the first one was my cup of tea and a biscut with sprinkles and a cherry, so I can't wait for this one to come out. I've been waiting a long time for anoher sip of this enjoyable tea flavour. (I don't even like tea).
In other news, I'm in with the rest of the PS3 gamers who wait long and hard for another game to finally come out. I've beaten everything else, and am currently playing through most of my PS2 games just to kill time.
I think we need to get thrown a demo to chew on for a good while or something.
*knaws leg* Yum, tastes like a leg of a boy who needs a good demo in his system.
That's a hard resistance
by moopers59 on Comments
So I've been joyfully playing through Resistance, and holy crapness it's a tough game. Playing through the game on medium difficulty and sometimes I have to reattempt parts of the game a good 15 times before I finally beat them! Plus it doesn't help that all the checkpoints seem to be ages away from each other, but it's still an amazing game!
Oh, and the PS3 is one beautiful piece of molded plastic.
Although the attack of killer dust proceeds to be dive bombing the sexy shiney case... curse you foul detritus fragments!
Oh, and the PS3 is one beautiful piece of molded plastic.
Although the attack of killer dust proceeds to be dive bombing the sexy shiney case... curse you foul detritus fragments!
My sweet PS3... So shiney
by moopers59 on Comments
So I was in my local EB checking to see how many PS3's they would be getting the next day for the restock, when the employee tells me they have one in right now if I wanted it! Turns out they got one console in that morning, but none of the preorders wanted it because it was a 20gb.
So I lept on that puppy, bought the console, Resistance, and a second controller. I am now 100% broke, but believe me it's all worth it.
So I lept on that puppy, bought the console, Resistance, and a second controller. I am now 100% broke, but believe me it's all worth it.
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