moopers59 / Member

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A new hunt for man?

At the news of a new Manhunt game, I can tell there will be a lot of mixed reactions. Sure it's not everyone's cup of tea, but the first one was my cup of tea and a biscut with sprinkles and a cherry, so I can't wait for this one to come out. I've been waiting a long time for anoher sip of this enjoyable tea flavour. (I don't even like tea).

In other news, I'm in with the rest of the PS3 gamers who wait long and hard for another game to finally come out. I've beaten everything else, and am currently playing through most of my PS2 games just to kill time.

I think we need to get thrown a demo to chew on for a good while or something.

*knaws leg* Yum, tastes like a leg of a boy who needs a good demo in his system.