mootmash / Member

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Hi, this is my new blog, lol.

Gaming intro kthx:

I am 14 and from Singapore. I am noobish. I have a PC and a DS Lite! Yay!

Currently playing: Pokemon Emerald, and New Super Mario Bros. I play roms, lots of them! GBA and SNES lah.. just to "try out" the games. Lol.

I shall be using this blog for... tracking my gaming progress and commenting on games I've tried! Please read on.


- Pokemon Emerald: chose Treecko, now it's a lvl 3X Grovyle. I have 5 badges, just before Weather Institute now. Other Pokes include the usual: Gardevoir, Manectric, and Gyarados (which is controversial. But heck, it looks cool and I need something good in Attack, since my other Pokes are dominantly S.A.)

- New Super Mario Bros. I AM STUCK ON THE VERY LAST LEVEL!!! Call me noob, but this is freaking hard... I dunno. The level looks huge and I keep dying. Can't wait to complete the game and finally unlock the ability to save after every level!

Yep, that's all. Read my review on Advance Wars II, thank you! It's the one written by mootmash, as if you haven't figured it out already. Truly, it's a great game. Even though I haven't finished the game XD and I'm playing the ILLEGAL rom! I'm evil!

Shall be posting my top 5 games, in a bid to get this blog really started. Meanwhile, comment about my games. Or recommend me good DS games! Please!

What caught my eye:

- Pokemon D and P (must have!)
- Advance Wars DS (should be great, looking at the GBA)
- Fifa 07 PC (PC owns the DS version, for the same price)
- Animal Crossing DS (multiplayer looks FUN!)
- Hotel Dusk (looks like a credible mystery portable game!)