Video games don't train you to kill anymore than Ocean's 12 trains you to rob casinos and The Bourne Identity trains you to be a secret agent killing machine.
it's just a game. most gamers will get an asma attack just getting off their couch....
i loved my first GTA (Vice City) because of how differen it was. the attitude, the randomness, how easy it made fun of it'self. however, i feel that it has stagnated with the last few new ones, and now it's same old same old. i guess the honeymoon syndrom has to end sometime.....
that particula euphoric state of mind is called "achievment" and it relates to any goal you set yourself on. you just choose to find it in games instead of music, or sports, or school, or health, or girls.
the feeling is the same. nothing extraordinary about vidoe games there.
once you've played BF, CoD becomes so shallow and one dimensioned that you start yawning just at the thought of it. BF has really stepped up it's game in the last few years. This game is seriously fantastic.
Nor do we want to have to buy a new BF3 every friken year! ffs this is the single most annoying thing about CoD (and the reson i stopped playing). the fact that every 4 months now you have re-buy the damn "lates" CoD "game" (more like slightly different map pack) or else you are left with old unpoliced servers full of hackers/botters.
DO NOT start this crap with BF3. every second or 3rd year is more than enough. Then add a few maps every 4/5 months.
morenosuba's comments