All GameSpot users, you have been challenged to a Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition Death Battle!! The Death Battle is on May 28, 2011 at 4:00 P.M- 5:00 P.M. Here are the rules:
1. you must right down my Friend code: Hunter, 0387-8791-9402
2. you must own Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition on the 3DS
4. you are not allowed touse Action reaply or R4 cheats.
5.please wright everyones friend code in the commentboxonyour3DS
6. I will tell you your time slots on May 20.
7. the mach is online, 99 seconds per round, 3 rounds, no redos.
8. Finals are on June 11, 2011
9. Winner gets full year of bragging rights.
Let the fight bagin!!!