Things havent been going so good with me
by morninglight on Comments
I've been trying to find a job for the last month, i've called and called and no one seems to want me. and yet, my friend who i will call "Mike", who by the way does not have a high school diploma, seems to be getting all these job offers where he could simply go in and just talk to the head boss without a real interview. now somethings wrong with that. so since i have moved out of my old place and in with his dad "Mike's dad" (long story but he is pretty much broke and his two sons do next to nothing to help, so i thought i could help out a bit by moving in) things havent been going good. just so much damn money problems and crap that i'd rather not get into. it seems to me that people who do absolutely nothing(like Mike's dad's two kids) get ahead in life and people who work their a** off (like Mike's dad) dont get anywhere. isnt that messed up? other than that, i've been fine.