Today i'm 16!
I want to get something buti dont know what. Should ii wait for Half-life the orange box or buy Halo 3. I havent seenany game footage of Halo 3 so if anyone has it tell me how is it.
Today i'm 16!
I want to get something buti dont know what. Should ii wait for Half-life the orange box or buy Halo 3. I havent seenany game footage of Halo 3 so if anyone has it tell me how is it.
I now have 600 forum posts.
I saw some of the Iranian Military parade and i was wondering, if America started these parades would they put more fear into its enemys. You know, by shoi=wing they're power. Just post a comment.
I now have 500 forum posts
On this Blog i would like to talk about what i like about the world.
1) I like how when theres a cause and many people are in it, there can be progress. Like in Iraq now, if everyone in the U.Sstood up andsay stopwe dont need to be there.
2) The news, i like how when something happens it can be transmitted around the world in minutes.
3) I like the internet alot, your world is opened and you can learn more just from a click. Now the only problem is that if we become toattached,and if something happens and the internet is shut down (very unlikely)we will all be s#&%^d.
4)I like how electronics are being advanced and improved. It's amazing howpeople can make such things.
On my next blog i will talk about my favorite games.
I now have 400 Forum posts.
On this blog i would like to talk aboutwhat irretates me in the world.
1) Have you noticed when a famous person dies they dont just let that person die. They have that person on t.v, they show his/her funeral. I'm not just saying this because Pavorotti died, i'm saying this because it's true they just dont let that person die. Here are a list of examples, 2-pac, Elvis, Anna nichole smith etc.
2)Have you seen lately when one of thoseladys (lindsey, paris) get arrested they make such a big deal out of it, also when they do anything they have it on the news. It's really annoying because they act likethere is anything else happening in the world, i can name some thing, IRAQ WAR, POVERTY, DISEASES.
3)You now when there is a crisis in the world (Hurricane, tsunami) people always try to start charitys, and fund raisers. Why cant those people raise money for they're communites, thereare bumbs, orphans, but when somthing big happens lets halp them first.
4)I dont like people who think everything is a conspiracy. Some people think 9/11 was caused by the U.S goverment,it doesnt make any sense. Why would a goverment kill they're own people? Alsothis is'nt a conspiracy theory butyouknow those people who think the world is going to end on the day/month/year. To me it doesnt make any sense if that day comes they wouldnt be able to say they were right because they will be dead.
There is alot of other things that irratate, but i will stop there. The other things will offend some people.
Next Blog: Things that i like in the world
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