The original release of the PS3 had backward compatibility. I loved it. I was able to put away my PS1 and PS2 so that I could continue playing the games that I enjoyed. Sony continues to refer to their extensive library of games. If that is the case let us play them. I do not want someone telling me I wouldn't want to play them because they don't look as good as newer games. That is not the point nor his decision. I also do not want to re-purchase games I already purchased. I have been very happy playing my XBox games on my XBox One. I think this is one area where Microsoft has excelled at.
@p1p3dream: I would agree with the Batman fatigue syndrome from the poor rich angry orphan standpoint, but the Batman games have been really solid (with the exception of this current Telltale version). I also think that the games appeal to certain player types. I prefer the game play of the Batman series over a shooter type game.
After playing other Batman games I find this game to be boring. You spend a huge percentage of your time watching a comic bookish animation play out with interaction points where you choose how the dialogue will maybe influence the game outcome. After that you have about 10% of the game dedicated to actual game play that requires no real skill. It's an interesting concept but not well executed.
@danterocks69: I understand the whole idea of reviews; movies, tv, games etc. But when did we decide others get to decide what we will or wont like. I happen to like the game. I have played other games that had lower review scores and ended up liking the game just like I've played games with high critic ratings that were not for me. Reviews reflect someones opinion only. Make up your own mind.
mousland's comments