@zombieweekend: the only option as I remember to uncheck meant that it completely disabled the kinects features. Therefore the microphone stopped working for things like skype
moviesound's forum posts
Twice now after playing for hours on BF4 single player campaign, I have gone back in to find no saved game. I have to start at the begging again. Anyone else had this or fixed it?
Besides switching the new kinect totally off, which one does not want to do because then you couldn't answer Skype calls, do voice commands etc and would basically render the thing useless, there is no way to stop the kinect from broadcasting the sound from ones living room when playing multiplayer games! The 360 used to have this option but the new system does not. This is either a blatant oversight by Microsoft or they do not respect our privacy one bit. Not everyone wants to have every word said in their house broadcast all the time. Often there might be other people in the room having 'private' conversations. To make matters worse, why have they not got lights built into the kinect to let you know when sound and video are being 'broadcast'
Microsoft - This must be addressed ASAP
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