During march break, I went to a bootcamp at the Centre for Arts and Technology (Fredericton campus). I went for a full week in a classical/2D animation class in order to learn the basics of animation. We did a ball bouncing, a walk & run cycle, character design, real-life drawing, stop-motion animation and even a short live action movie (don't mind the quality, we did that with NO preparation whatsoever: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NBq1Mj2OT9w)
We had a gaming night, a movies night and some other fun activities during the week, as well as almost one Tim Horton's donut per day... for free!!!
So well, going to the bootcamp was very fun and I was able to make friends with people which have the same interests as me.
I had the chance to draw and have published three new deviations:
by the way, this is my profile on DeviantArt: http://ispaure.deviantart.com
If you ever have the chance to go to a bootcamp like this, I'd really recommend it. It's an experience like no other. It was the best march break of my life. :)