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Anyone Out There?

Man, this site and undergone a lot of changes over the years, hasn't it? It's odd finding that the place where I started my internet lurking has turned into a site that I have long forgotten.

Very nostalgic reading what text I can scrap up from the site's servers, man how things have changed. And I first came here when I was what, 13? Very shameful that my Nintedo love has sunk over the last year or two. But looking forward to what they do with Cafe.

In a sense I'm probably just writing some sort of journal entry that is public, it might as well be dropped in a dark allyway behind a trashcan.

And these last few weeks flew by, that PSN outage was something, wasn't it? Glad its over, and glad I got to finally play Portal 2 co-op.

Well, time to symboliclly close the book for now.
