Well to start things off I just want to say I have not been active on Gamespot recently, I've been doing other things like trying to get trough some games I never finished, working a little on flash, and Youtubing, alot. Well, I'm gonna try to more active on good 'ol glitchy Gamespot. :D
Gamespot- Well, the first thing I am trying to do it be more active on here in the first place. Secondly I am going on an emblem quest. Which mean I'm gonna try and get some more emblems in the next couple of days. (5 atleast). Thirdly I am going need to track some more people, because no one reads this stuff, because there is no point in writing these blogs if no one is reading them. (Unless it's a rant) So just more posts and other things. Oh, and I'll try to post more on other people's blogs because they need posts too.
Games- Well, I have been playing my Wii alot lately. Like I said at the start I have to finish some games I hadn't like Metroid Prime 3, Super Metroid, Kirby's Adventure, Startropics, Paper Mario, etc. In other words alot of games. O gawd. But I have been playing alot of Brawl, man I love that game. I just need a wired Gamecube controller because the button lag online with my Wavebird can be horrible at times. I've been playing some Mario Kart Wii, but not much because that game pisses me off ALOT! I'm actually thinking of selling it, but I'm not sure. Oh and o gawd I can't wait for E3.
Flash- I have been doing some work with animating. I did about 5 animations in total as of now. I'm.. progressing I think.
Well If you want to see these click here.
Life- Really. Nothing interesting here. I am looking for a job however, cause I need money. -.-'
Well that about does it for this blog. Now hopefully I can get more than one person reading it x_x'
Cya next blog!