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Mini-Mega Blog!

Hey all welcome to my first MINI-MEGA BLOG!!!!!!

Ok so lets get started.

We get off on winter break next week.
Thats it for school!

It didn't snow in Philadelphia yet, that sucks because no snow = no snow days :?

Im going to a little Christmas party on Sunday at my friend's house im sure that's gonna be fun, I think :)

Christmas is coming up, which is great! Im gonna get some great stuff this year! But I know im not getting a 360 or Ps3 :? I blame the new house.

Moving on.

I found a new MMO game to play on my comp, it's a racing MMO and it's pretty fun... only wish I could run it better, man I need a new computer. Also i've been playing GunZ lately it seems they updated it from the last time I played it. Both games can be found at Ijji and they are both free to play.

I've still been rocking out on Guitar Hero 3 on my Wii. This is the most use I have been getting out of my Wii lately.
Also another game that is being played on my Wii is Medal Of Honor Heroes 2. And soon to be played is Mario Galaxy!
My EA persona for Medal of Honor is: movintarget (Isn't that suprising?)
My Guitar Hero Wii code is: 4596 7695 5794
Here is my Wii number as well: 8532 7896 6309 4025

Yes it is still glitchy as usual.

But anyway my Guitar Hero 3 Wii review is up check it out if you want to. Linkage

Also I got a new sig thanks to TripleTag and they're new Wii tags. Man I have missed these because I thought WiiTag was awesome but sadly they wern't updating and the site closed down. But triple tag took Wii Tags and majorly improved them! Check it out here!

Man, I also need to track more because my blog zone barely gets any comments, my average is about 2 or 3 comments a blog. :?

Random Pic

I feel it neccisary for a random picture.

Credits to Sants for the idea of a Mega Blog!