Well, it's been 6 days since I got back home from Hawaii, and I really miss being there. Hawaii was just full of laid back people and it's just so awesome there. Mostly everyone was really kind (keyword mostly :P) there. But there were some people who were kind of scary, you'll see later on in the blog.
I leave Toronto around 1 p.m Eastern, and I get to Hawaii about 9 p.m Hawaii time (Tdot 6 hours ahead of Hawaii). We're all so tired and my contacts were BURNING DRY so we just found our resort, took off my contacts, and crashed. Our resort was http://www.sunterramaui.com/kaanapali/ .
We went to the other side of the island to find the beach where my cousin's wedding was taking place, so we wouldn't get lost on Wednesday. It was beautiful! On a minicliff with a deck on the side. After, we just went shopping at the Shops of Wailea. :P I went into Louie Vughton (Spelling?) to see what the lowest price was :lol:. Got some new boardshorts and stuff from Billabong. We got back to the resort and we just swam in the pool. (Which was still salt water!!!!!!!!! But it was salted down :P)
Monday-Front Street
We went to Front Street where it's this long road of different shops and markets. I didn't really see anything I wanted, but I did buy a money clip :)! After walking up and down the street, I then noticed that there are a LOT of ABCStores there, like how Tim Horton's is to Canada. :)
We went to the Aquarium which was SO NOT worth $22. The sharks were REALLY small, they only had ONE type of jellyfish, and the turtles were NOT giant... But seeing the Stingrays and the Mantarays was pretty cool because they were as big as a car (length wise, not mass).
Wednesday Wedding Day!!!
We got up extra early to drive all the way back to the other side of the Island of Maui to attend the wedding ( http://www.princeresortshawaii.com/maui-weddings.php ). It was a beautiful day. There were only two clouds in the sky, the water was crystal clear, no dang seasgulls were there to **** on you, and the people on the beach (other tourists who we didn't know:P) were all "awwwwwww" because of a wedding in Hawaii is so romantic. They were even taking pictures of the wedding..........^_- And there was a harpist there too!
Then for the reception, we all went to a luau with 350 other people plus our 50 guests in the wedding party. The food was.....good, raw mahi mahi taste good but the texture isn't nice :lol:. But the show was AMAZING, nice hula dancing, good singing, but I was dissapointed because there was no fire dancer.....:( But it was still awesome :twisted:!
Thursday-Road to Hana
My parents took a flight to Oahu while I stayed with my cousins at their hotel condo ( http://www.mauibanyan.com/ ). Which was nice, but not as nice as the resort. We drove the Road to Hana that day, which took the whole entire day. It was good, but not as good as we expected, so we all were only 40% satisfied with the trip to Hana. But then when we got to Hana, we saw a black sand beach! I took some black sand in a bottle but got scared after on Friday night. Then, we drove past Hana to 7 Pools, which was so AWESOME! It was stunning! The waterfalls you can jump off of, the pointy rocks you can walk on.....the water you can swim in. It was just so cool swimming underneath the waterfall. I didn't jump off any waterfalls though... But we left aroung 5:30 p.m because the road is REALLY bendy with over 600 turns, and this was all one lane. So we didn't want to drive in the dark cause of the cliffs. But on the way back, everyone got SO sick with *someones....* driving. Went way too fast and everybody wanted to puke. But to pass all that, we started singing songs from The Sound of Music and Disney Movies, especially from the Little Mermaid :lol::lol::lol:. We got back at around 8:30 p.m (we didn't stop anywhere on the way back) and we all went straight to sleep because we had a big morning planned the next day.
Friday-Volcanoe Biking
At 2 a.m, we all woke up and got ready to take the van up Volcanoe Haleakala. We toured with Mauidownhill. We got to the very top at around 4 a.m, and we waited for the sunrise (we were up almost 11 000 feet) by the crater. Volcanoe Haleakala is suppose to be a world wonder and it's better to go during sunrise. The guy said 20 minutes till sunrise, but ti actually took an hour..........in the FREEZING cold, around 5 degrees Celcius up there (30 degrees Ferenheit). And it wasn't very good because there were a lot of clouds... But around 9 a.m, we all started on our bikes going down the volcanoe. We were only suppose to go 15-20 miles per hour but we were going 40.....:lol:. And the speed limit for cars is 30 miles/h LOL!!!!!!! We past a group of bikers on the way down who were with the same company as us :P. We also stopped here and there to take pictures. This was the BEST thing I have ever done in my life so far!!! So we all got home and crashed right away to catch up on some sleep. After, I went to a sushi restaurant ( http://www.grandwailea.com/dining/kincha.asp ) that was pretty good, but the tempura could have been better.
Saturday-Snorkling/Beach Volleyball/Departure
We all woke up at 5 a.m to go snorkling at Molokini and Turtle Arch. We saw lots of fish at Molokini but it was sad at Turtle Arch. All because some of the turtles have tumors. They get them from us stupid people by wearing sunblock and it rubbing off into the ocean. :( But I still had a great time. After, the instructors invited us to go play some beach volleyball! Which was a lot of fun, met a few new locals, and played some frisbee too. After, I had to go back to the banyan to pack all my stuff to go home at 10 p.m.............................Which was the WORST part of my trip because I didn't want to leave...:(:(:(
Six days laterI'm here typing this all up. Hope you enjoyed reading this? :P