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Say!, Halo 2 the Garbage!

All the buzz on halo 2 is all simply annoying.. everyone in line to be the first to own the game is just stupid.

i've played and beat the game and yes..i own it and yes i pre-ordered it so yes....i was stupid for the time being. But when it toke me 2.5 days to finish (i had school so more like .5 days) i stood in awe in the at the big slab of 69.99 dallor game i just purchase less then a few days ago and said to myself..."WHAT THAT HECK (censored) HAVE I JUST DONE!" in this instint I came to realize i have fallen in to the commercial buyer list. Never have i been on this list never, ever since then i was a self buyer i purchase on my own makes me sick when i hear FPS's be compared halo2 "the game sucks ladies and gentlemen!"

My review of HALO 2: ( out of 10 )

-the graphics = 9.5

-the game play = 3.5

-the sound = 5

-the over all = i give it a ( drum roll please....... ) 3/10 :lol: