This list fails. Metal Gear Solid 4 pwns all those games put together. I cant believe anyone would want burnout 5 or SSBB more than MGS4. Thats absurd. Burnout 5=Just another racing/crashing game. SSBB=A slighty improved ssbm. MGS4=BEST GAME OF ALL TIME. AAAAA+. GOTY 2007. How can these editors forget about the best game ever created? They all know deep down inside that MGS4 is the end all/be all of video games. No game will ever be able to surpass it(unless MGS5 comes out). That is fact.
"We want the PlayStation 3 if just to find out if the console is actually worth $600." Gamespot hates the PS3. The PS3 is $500. You dont need the $600 version, its optional.
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