@nintendoboy16 @queuing_for_PS4 Who knows with the PS4 and 720. I am thinking about just sticking with the handheld consoles. Can't afford them all LOL!
Wii U: Lowest sales in 8 years!!!http://www.joystiq.com/2013/02/15/report-wii-u-slumps-to-january-na-sales-of-well-under-100k/
@Stonecutters908 @Hurvl LOL, Nintendo will always have handhelds. It's more popular in Japan then home consoles. Lets look at the sales again:Last week for Wii U - 12,000+3DS - 127,000+Lol, no, I say handhelds are alive and well.
@EasyComeEasyGo Nintendo is making spectacular games this year. Luigi's Mansion, Animal Crossing (June 9), Etrian Odyssey IV, Castlevania......
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