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My Blog is starting to pick up. after almost two months i will write again.

Last week my coumputer broke. auctually its always been very slow, but last week i brought it in to a coumputer speicalist. He acutally made it fast. fast for a crappy coumputer anyway. so the games i have been playing lately have changed. i tried warrock, but i still lag. i have tried a game called solider front, and its ok. lastely im downloading a game called space cowboys. its a future flight sim i guess.

in other news, i just imported a game from japan for my ds. Anyone fimiliar with Jump Ultimate Stars? it plays like ssbm, but not with nintendo charters, no no, with anime and manga people from 41 series all owned by Jump. Many i havent heard of, but there are some we all know like bleach naruto and my favorite bo-bobo-bo-bobobo and no i dont know if i spelled that right. the only problem is that online all the japonese people gang up on american named people and never kill their friends, even in random battles.

next blog goal is 59 ( i know im being opismitisc.