I never do blog posts because somewhere along my life's timeline I realized that not everybody cares about what I have to say. However, I felt like stroking my ego today, so I'll go ahead and pretend that someone cares about whatever happens to be going on in my head in the world of video games.
I counted how many physical Xbox 360 games I own. The number is 65. It's kind of staggering. I'm impressed. And also concerned about where my life is going. While I'm working on getting my Bachelor of Education, will I even have time to give these games their due attention?
I own about 28 or so Xbox Live Arcade games. Pretty cool. That also includes Games on Demand that I've downloaded (RE4, RE: Code Veronica X, Max Payne 2, and San Andreas). I dedicate such a severe amount of my resources to games, far more than most people I know, and there's some sort of sick arrogance to the way I think of myself as a "gamer". Not a "player of Call of Duty", but a "hardcore-ish gamer". I'll play Dark Souls or Super Meat Boy and have a wonderful time, and a cherry of satisfaction on top is knowing that few other gamers (relative to the amount of people who play Call of Duty) would get an experience as enjoyable as I did simply because they're not "hardcore enough" or "too busy playing Call of Duty" or "having successful romantic relationships" or whatever. In this sense, I'm a bit of a gaming hipster. Indie games are fun too. Bought a few of those as well. Also I've sold dozens of physical Xbox 360 games that I've previously owned (LA Noire, Crysis 2, etc.) Anyway, in conclusion, I've got a lot of games.
I'm glad Call of Duty is waning in popularity. It's becoming something of a punchline, a parody of itself. It really is **** in a multitude of ways. I was never huge into Call of Duty, even back in the so-called Golden Days of COD4. I've always held a grudge because it stole Halo 3's popularity once it caught on. Halo 3 was the best shooter ever, expecially in the online aspect. COD4 is far from Halo 3. And any subsequent Call of Suty game is even further. I hope Call of Duty dies soon. And I hope Halo 4 turns out absolutely amazing and becomes ridiculously popular. Fantastical, I know.
Far Cry 3 has a map editor. Yes. YES. Everyone should buy it. Map making in the Far Cry series is one of my greatest video game-related pastimes. The original Far Cry Instincts on the Xbox had an excellent map editor that tweaked my artistic nipples to the perfect degree. It was an outlet for technical as well as artistic design. It was awesome. And Far Cry 2 on the 360 had a massively improved map editor that gave much more complex and boundless possibilities. The map maker alone provided hundreds of hour of enjoyment from that game. And I didn't really have a reason to pick up FC3, until I heard it has a mpa editor. Now I have every reason I need to play it. And to force all my friends to buy it. I'm excited.
I can't wait for Frictional Games to come out with a new horror game. Playing Amnesia in my basement with friends was hiarious fun. We'll be doing the same thing with whatever immersive and disturbing game the folks at Frictional come up with next!