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XBL Dowloads

I've downloaded a lot of XBLA content in the last couple years. Last night I bought Super Meat Boy, then realized how retarded I was that I can no longer afford the Halo Reach map pack at the end of the month. I have 400 MSP left. Now, let me think... what was the order in which I downloaded all of the things I've downloaded? The first thing I ever downloaded was probably... Outrun Online Arcade. It's pretty fun. Then I downloaded Sam and Max Save the World. I really appreciate being an Xbox owner mainly because of the excellence of the downloadable titles. In no particular order afterward I downloaded three Fallout 3 DLC packs (and I ALMOST have 100 percent of the achievements...I'm working on it.), Worms 2: Armageddon, Peggle, Doom, Braid, Geometry Wars 2, a handful of Indie games, N+, Trials HD, Limbo, The Undead Nightmare DLC Pack for Red Dead Redemption, and Super Meat Boy. But the thing I felt the need to say for was that with none of these games I felt a sense of buyer's remorse. These games are all, at least, good. My three favourites are: 1. Braid, 2. Geometry Wars 2, 3. Limbo. I only played a couple dozen levels of Super Meat Boy so far, but it seems like it's a pretty good game. But that may be due to the fact that I bought almost ALL of them while they were on sale. Good sales is another good aspect of being an Xbox owner, and got free MSP last month for spending 2400 points in between a certain timeframe. Hooray!

According to my couting I've spent 11600 MSP. That sounds like a lot. And due to buying things on sale and getting free MSP, I've saved a total of 2400 MSP. I am the king of cheap-asses.