I still dont have one. Stock is so thin in the UK that they come and go within a day. I am not going to pay £700 for a second hand one with no warranty. Forget that. I hope to be able to get one later in the year but the freight, Covid lockdown and Semi conductor shortage issues in China means this isnt going to get easier. So even if they have a new version ... it wont be in plentiful supply any time soon !
Got to say after looking at all of these images the 360 looks to produce better textures. However I would say that the PS3 has the edge on Batman. For some reason the images look a little sharper. RE5 looks much clearer on 360. The debate will go on I guess. For my part I dont care. Both machines are great and I will continue to support titles on both. No need to take sides.
I have both a PS3 and also an Xbox 360. Both machines have their charm and there is no point having the argument about which is better. Yes PS3 has Blueray which is totally amazing to look at and yes the spec is better. However Xbox has dedicated titles to knock the socks off PS3 such as the Halo franchise and Gears Of War. To combat this PS3 has Killzone and Resistance. All of which are amazing. Neither machine is better. And for those who try and argue that its a rip off to pay for Xbox live ... well that is because you dont get it ... the Live service is far better than the playstation network and can only be so good because it is user funded. PS3 in the UK has BBC iPlayer ..... XBox has SKY !!!!! Each system has its charm but there is no point trying to suggest that one is better than the other because each side will argue that it has the better machine ... how about we focus on what is important .... GAMES ...... 2010 should be a great year for both machines. Cant wait.
Oh and one more thing. How can people say it sucks when they have not even seen the face of the enemy .... most of the fun in Halo2 was kicking Elite butt and in this game the Brutes are set to be the ultimate enemies with super intelligent AI. If all these people can say is graphic's then they are missing out on a world of opportunity ! Get with it guys and look beyond the limits of a multi player Beta ........ if you limit your scope for enjoyment it will be you who miss out on the ultimate final chapter of arguably the best games licence there is.
Okay after being stuck in the lobby for about 1 hour last night I finally managed to get a game in. I was happy with what I saw. Graphic are good, playability is good. Some nice new features like the shields, man cannon etc. But essentially it looks like a really polished version of Halo2. For me the multiplayer game is not about how amazing the graphics are. Its about the games you make and the people you play with. If they are 10 year old kids who want to shout and scream alot than thats okay as long as they dont pi55 me off too much. But i really enjoyed a good game of smack talk with some people my own age (20 - 30) Who cares if they killed me a bunch of times. I had fun and thats what counts. I am really looking forward to campaign as well and GOD HELP bungie if it not ONLINE COOP otherwise it WILL SUCK A55. That was a major failing of the last game. Nothing better than kicking butt with your best buddy over a few beers. Anyway ... initial thoughts are good. Now lets get it together bungie and polish up for the final version.
mrfreakuk's comments