First off, dont bother with Gamefly, they stink. Your ranking in your gameQ doesnt matter, as they mentioned in an email they sent me, they go by which is easiest to get out of the warehouse for them.
Anyhow, rented from them The Godfather and waiting on(forced to rent) NCAA Basketball 2007, also purchased Call of Duty 2, my nephew also got Mario Kart for the DS which have played once.
The Godfather - fun, nice open area to roam the city, some thing are difficult but does take time learning what to do. Only complaint is the map, hard to locate where to go sometimes. And when you have a timelimit on some missions, you cant waste time getting lost.
Call of Duty 2 - fun, a bit easy so far(done Russian and Brit missions, up the US ones). After beating Call of Duty 3, had to play this one. Only gripe is allies get in your way, line of fire, and if you accidently kill them, you fail the mission and have to restart it.
Mario Kart DS - fun, just like the n64 version, have only beaten the first grand prix so far. nicely added some new weapons like the squid ink to mess up the 1st place guy vision. Like on the DS version, the map below screen, which shows either the entire map or area around you by just touching the screen to flip between them(or pressing X or Y)
NCAA Basketball 2007 - still waiting on its arrival, it was 15th on my gameQ list, with many above it available now. Finally came today, after a week and half of waiting for gamefly to get the wrong game. Played a little bit and this game is horrible. Graphics are ok, but gameplay stinks. Turnovers and lots of missing shots is basically what you get even with a good team. Am honestly considering returning it already after having it for an hour.
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