Considering that most Xbox 360s can't do 1080p (except for Elite, maybe? ... I don't have an Xbox) I don't think it's a big deal. HD TV programs usually broadcast in 720p anyway. At that size of TV, you'd have to be pretty anal to see any difference at all between 720p and 1080p. I have a PS3 and a 52" 1080p HDTV hooked up via HDMI and still have a hard time seeing a drastic improvement of Blu-Ray over HD programming on TV.
What's the deal with Rare? Why is everyone saying they won't put any of their games on the VC? KI Gold is probably the game I was MOST looking forward to.
Hasn't anyone else played Killer Instinct Gold? In my opinion, it was probably the fourth best game on the system.. Next to Mario 64, Ocarina of Time, and Goldeneye.
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