if your playing any game where you have to aim a gun and shoot, you expect nothing less than persicion. pc gamers (hermits) troll on console owners when it comes to shooters ranting that nothing can top the accuracy of a mouse and keyboard. true, but that doesnt mean that consoles cant be an enjoyable platform for shooters. ill skip the obvious and expired arguments about the wii mote vs dual analog, and look at things from a different angle.
the gta franchise has finally evolved from their lock on system to a free aim cover system. even though gta isnt classified as a shooter due to the fact that it is known for its sand box gameplay, gta's new combat system is very much an essential part of the 4th installment... even more so than previous games in the series. personally, this is the very reason y i think that Grand Theft Auto IV isnt a 10 quality game on a hundred point system. ill go on a tangent for a second saying that in order for a game to get a perfect 100 points, every major aspect of the game has to be as close to perfect as possible. along with gripping presentation, as little technical difficulties as possible, gameplay has to be flawless, smooth, engaging, and has to set a new standard, even revolutionize its genre. this is where gta fails to get a 10. rockstar claims that you as the player can use anything as cover in the game. sounds good in theory, right? unfortunately some missions in the game dont compliment the system properly, forcing u to get better result by running and gunning. one the mission when faustin orders Niko to take out his daughter's biker boyfriend, you eventually get sucked into a shootout in a park using trees as cover. here was where i first noticed that this new combat system isnt all its cracked up to be. take cover behind one tree, and u might notice even though u can aim at the bikers, Niko's unable to shoot them TO BE CONTINUED