While socializing with Nintendo fans, I hear this far too often: "when's the next Mario/Zelda/Metroid/Zelda/Mario/Mario game coming out?" or "@&$#!! Nintendo for abandoning the hardcore crowd." and... well you get the idea. Complaints for the soley opinion based lack of games and hating Nintendo for turning to the casual crowd has been going on for far too long now. It amazes me that these same people still keep coming back to it. So, for those of you who only own a Wii, and keep whinning about the lack of hardcore titles, here's a simple yet slightley expensive suggestion: buy another sytem.
No seriously, do it. If you have a few hundred dollars to spare, the reward yourself with either a ps3 or a 360. This isnt a hate on Wii, rather a gamer enpowerment. The Wii was the first console i owned for about a year. After seeing games like Mass Effect, Halo 3, and Motorstorm, i decided that it was time to step out of my Nintendo fanboyism, and learn to appreciate all the stellar titles out there, regarless the platform. Looking back, I remember thinking, "Wii is just too different. Yes there's a definite benefit from owning one, but due to the systems limitations, and the direction that Nintendo is taking it in, would it really make sense for me to just own a Wii?" Mark Bozon stated over a year ago: Wii's great, but its just too different to satify a hardcore gamer. I think that if you own a Wii and a 360, you'll pretty much have your ground covered in terms of videogames (This is obviously an old statement as he later confirmed that he bought a Ps3 as well). With in the next two years, i bought both of the other two consoles a year from each other, and the purchases were more than worth it. Call of Duty 4 is arguably the best multiplayer experience you can get on the current gen consoles, something that is far from possible on Wii thanks to its very limited network. Metal Gear Solid 4, in my eyes, took the presumed GOTY title away from Grand Theft Auto 4 as it featured one of the most immersive experiences in my so called gaming career. Something that Wii cant even come close to with its basic format. Again, I'm not down playing Wii or denying its ability to produce great games. My overall favorite current gen title is Super Mario Galaxy. I'm just simply pointing out the vast differences between the consoles and their hardware.
So all i ak is for some of you to look at yourself and think of why is it that you stand so firm in only owning a Wii. Is it company loyalty? Come on. You can only hurt yourself by distancing and turning away from other consoles. There hasn't been a bigger wake up call for Wii only owners than this holiday season. There are only THREE titles that i;m looking forward to on Wii: Monster Lab, Tales of Symphonia, and Deadly Creatures. The number may be different for you, but one cannot deny that much larger library of anticipated titles coming to the other two consoles. Compare that to the 9-10 titles that are note worthy on both the Ps3 and 360 (yes most consist of multiplats, but if you pick one of the other two, that just about adds up). One can argue that there is a serious lack of core games coming to Wii this holiday. So if you're so disatified and are craving more games, do yourself a favor (if you have the cash), broaden your gaming horizon and embrace all without bias.