mrjam0 / Member

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Thanks for nothing Nintendo

after reading thatDeadly creatures for the wii has been pushed back to feb of 09, i made the decision that my wii wont be touched till next year. ive been having a lot of problems with sheep lately. no matter what people say complaining about the lack of HARDCORE (oops, i said the word) titles, they respond "oh u cant accept the fact that nintendo doesnt care for u, and they have executed a new business strategy." my question is this, i as a consumer am looking for products to satisfy ME. if i hold out my hand to nintendo and they either slap it away, or drop a turd in my hand, im not suppose to be pissed? ha! ofcourse im upset.

the begining of 08 was a great year for core gamers like me, okami, no more heroes, ssbb, mk wii, pro evolution soccer... even somecould appreciate the debut of wii fit. but since then, through out the summer and up to today, nether the third party and especially nintendo have produced some truly great titles. de Blob imo is debateble, i personally hated it... cod: waw was atleast an effort on treytech's part, and guitar hero is a great bundle for woo. but that's where the fun ends. in almost a consistant pattern, these companies have made sure that stellar titles are released in time for the holiday season. Sony, who didnt have such a great year last holiday, managed Resistance 2, motorstorm, LBP, and getting the exclusive Valkaria Chronicles. the 360 titles that were released were Gears 2, Fable 2, Banjo, and the console (not overall palatform) exclusive left 4 dead. notice that i avoided the ridiculous list of thrid party titles like prince, dead speace, fallout 3, etc. so what did nintendo deliver this holiday? animal crossing? wii music. wtf nintendo? wii music was showcased at conventions OVER A YEAR AGO. u mean to tell me that after all this time, this is the piece of crap that uve been working on? for christ sake, uve got a motion control based system, u could have added some attachments, something... and animal crossing, this is the game that u claimed at ur e3 press confrence that would be the hardcore game to get. yet u market the game with two rich chicks CASUALLY sitting down talking about fishig and shopping, not to mention lacked any effort adding anything new to the franchise except vioce chat. irony. (mushroom men is the last link holding this weak chain together, we'll just have to wait for the reviews). its examples such as this that turn off third party developers from working with the system. nintendo should be on the phone, or holding meetings with other publishers negotiating so that they could act and work with nintendo.

on the flip side, nintendo did announce at the beginning of october a list of titles that they'll be releasing next year. the sad part is that the biggest anticipated titles are generally third party: no more heroes 2, Mad world, and the conduit. this all may change once more details about nintendo's new first party line up are revealed. but if there's anything else that this industry has taught us, its to not hold our breath. i truly feel sorry for those gamers who only own a wii.

im a pissed off nintendo fan, and now ill go back to playing resistance 2 and gears 2.