To whom it may concern,
I have a problem that I would like to share with you. As I am sure you are aware the language in games is not getting any better. I would like to see a solution for everyone who does not want to hear profanity while playing a game. I realize fixes aren't necessary, I also realize many people want that content, and finally I know any time spent towards this has a price.
The games that have suggestive language are selling very well, as do games that don't have it. So you might be asking why bother? You aren't getting the full market that's why. As a consumer I know what I want, as someone marketing a product you should want to know what that is.
I am not alone in wanting a game without the foul language. Personally an F-word will ruin a game. I really don't mind anything else. If I want to hear several F-bombs in a few short minutes I'll watch "hells' kitchen". Seriously, I do know many people (including game creators) believe it adds to the game. So the solution would have to please both in order to get the full market.
No time is free that's understood, your time now is appreciated. I have seen games include the in-game option to turn off the language, gore, or whatever one thing bothers you. (if not all of it) This seems to be a good idea not used often, perhaps due to the added cost.
Lastly my final solution for the problem seems a perfect fix to everything I have mentioned. Offer the parental package as DLC for $2.99 or whatever your marketers tell you will sell. Those who want it will pay to chose what they get. I'll use myself as an example, I like the gore but I would turn the profanity off. This way it markets to everyone, consumers get what they want, and costs are padded if not covered. I have several titles I would love to play but can't get past the language; this is a call for some help.
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