Let's start out by naming the games I plan on getting this semester:
-Mass Effect 2 (PS3)
-Marvel vs Capcom 3
-Pokemon Black or White (haven't decided yet)
-Just Cause 2
With the exception of Vanquish, all of these games have the potential of taking over my life entirely. This is NOT good. Considering my schedule for school this semester:
-Object Programming
-Computer Science 1
Sweet Mother of Abraham, It's going to be crazy. In addition to this, I plan on going on a weight gaining diet (I'm very skinny and it scares me for someone my height). I plan on going to the gym at least 3 times a week and playing flag football sometime in March.
Some of you might be thinking, "Oh golly gee Mrmusic, why don't you just wait till the summer to play those games?" Well the reason is because I'm taking Calculus during the summer. I've quickly learned once you've changed your major in college, you either take summer classes or you take 5 or 6 classes a semester.
Hopefully after all of this, I'll have some good grades.
On a side note, I'd just like to note that my school's, UCF, football WON THEIR BOWL GAME! :D And their basketball team, who has Marcus Jordan (Yes Micheal Jordan's son), is undefeated and ranked 19th in the nation. :D
2011 is looking like its going to be pretty awesome. :)
P.S. My birthday is April 23rd. ;)