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A "not" racial issue.

I'm sure a lot of you have heard of the kid named Trayvon Martin who was killed by a man named Zimmerman. If not, just mosey on over to Off Topic and look for the thread.

Now I'm not here to discuss who started what or if Zimmerman should be arrested or not. I'm here to talk about how the abolition of racism has taken a serious hit because of this event. The fact that Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton showed to the Trayvon Martin rally shows that they think it was a racial issue. Now I'm not completely convinced it was a racial issue. To be honest, Zimmerman almost had the same line of thinking I would have. If I was walking home, I see someone in the neighborhood I've never seen before, I'd be suspicious too. On the other side, if I saw someone following me when I was walking home, I'd feel pretty hostile.

Now I ask you. Do you think if Trayvon was Asian, would this story have national attention? Me personally, I don't think so. I'm not saying this story would be swept under the rug but it would have stayed local.

The reason that most people are making such a big deal out of this is because they believe it was a racist issue. Not just any racist issue. A black racist issue. And people are using this to basically say "Racism is not gone". My response to that would be "Well no sh*t"

Not one person at the Trayvon Martin rallies believed that racism was gone. So why put the story in the headlines? How will making such a big deal out of this instance help get rid of racism? What if it wasn't even a racist issue? Then people are basically making something out of nothing. People need to mostly be talking about about who started what and if Zimmerman should be arrested for killing Trayvon. Not if he's a racist.

I'm tired of all these racism stories. Especially since they mostly only talk about the black race. Guaranteed. If the races were reversed, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and everyone else who believes this a racism issue would switch sides. There's no doubt in my mind about that.

You know how to stop racism? Stop talking about it so damn much. People know it exists. We do not need confirmation.