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Gaming overload.

So I recently acquired a new PS3 through forcing my brother to pay me pack the money he owes me :)

I haven't decided on a name yet but i'm working on it.

Anywho, I have a buttload of games coming my way in the next few months.

1. RDR Undead Nightmare - I've been dying to play this ever since it came out so now I will get the chance. If anyone else has the game, hit me up on PSN :D

2. Call of Duty Black Ops - I just finished the campaign for this game the other day and it was a-freaking-mazing. It was better than the COD4 campaign which I really enjoyed. Again if you have the game, Hit me up

3. Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood - Anticipating this game ever since it was announced. AC2 ending was the biggest WTF ending ever! Even the main character says WTF at the the end!

4. Mass Effect 2 (PS3) - My friend has been hammering home how ME2 was the greatest thing since sliced bread. The thing is I need to play the first one. Like its my OCD. I can't play the sequel to a game without playing the original. No matter how crappy it is. And I need an Xbox for that >_>

As you can see, I have enough to entertain me for quite a while. However come spring, even more games are coming out! I mean, i can't really complain. Too many games is always better than not enough games. But my wallet is really suffering :(

I do take donations if you want to contribute to the MrMusicMan's gaming fund :)