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My new Iphone 4

So I got my new Iphone yesterday and let me just say this phone is amazing. And I haven't even used all of its functions! This is my first apple product so im still an extreme noob with this. I've downloaded a few free apps (Angry Bird and Facebook) Angry Bird is ridiculously addicting. This phone is just the bees knees

Some things however i don't like about it are how fingerprints are so visible on the screen and the battery life. It just seems the battery goes down kind of quick. I adjusted the brightness to see if that will help .The fingerprint problem can be solved though. I heard about the invisble shield that protects it. We'll see if i'll get it.

So to anyone on the fence about getting this amazing phone, go get it now. Like right now. Like this minute. Because if you don't, i'll do it for you.